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>> Thursday, November 26, 2009

Current News

26 11 mumbai terror attack 26/11 26 11 mumbai terror attack images

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 08:29 AM PST

26 11 mumbai terror attack videos, 26 11 photos, 26 11 documentary, mumbai terror attack, 26 11 videos
26 11 photos, 26 11, 26 11 mumbai terror attack, 26/11 attack, 25/11

How Mumbai Officers Killed In 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack

Mumbai Officers Killed In 26/11 Terror Attack
26 11 mumbai terror attack videos, 26/11, 26 11, 26 11 photos,

Pakistan has finally admitted the Lashkar-e-Toiba was behind the Mumbai terror attacks.

Even though there is no official confirmation but Pakistani Prime Ministers Office has told CNN-IBN that Lashkar-e-Toiba planned and executed 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

However, New Delhi is cautious about the admission with sources in the Ministry of External Affairs saying that India is looking for more tangible action.

The sources in Pakistani PMO said that two Lashkar operatives Zaik-ur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah have confessed to planning and executing Mumbai attacks.


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