Really Funny Jokes

>> Monday, January 30, 2012

Really Funny Jokes

Hilarious jokes-Dog in Movie Theater

Posted: 30 Jan 2012 12:01 AM PST

Following a woman with a dog out of the movie theater, a man stopped her and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was amazed that your dog seemed to get into the

movie so much. He cried at the right spots, moved nervously at the boring spots, and laughed like crazy at the funny parts. Don't you find that unusual?"

"Yes," she replied. "I find it very unusual. Especially considering that he hated the book!"

Superhero jokes-Doc Ock

Posted: 30 Jan 2012 12:01 AM PST

Q. "What did Doc Ock drive to the bank?"
A. "An armoured car!"

Q. "What did Doc Ock do at the bank?"
A. "Commit armed robbery!"

Celebrity jokes-Best Supporting Actor

Posted: 30 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Nick Nolte was nominated for Best Supporting Actor. It's his first major nomination since 2002, when he was nominated for Most Maniacal Mug Shot.


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