SCTEVT 5th Sem Result | SCTEVT Orissa | Diploma Results 2010 Orissa Posted: 22 Mar 2011 09:01 PM PDT Hi visitors get update on SCTEVT .The SCTEVT 5th sem result has been published At Official link of SCTE & VT.Student can check their SCTEVT 5th Sem result by entering Registration No. Visitors can get Semester Wise Result. 1st Sem , 2nd Sem , 3rd Sem , 4th Sem , 5th Sem , 6th Sem · 5th Winter Result 2010 HERE1st Semister SyllabusThe State Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training (SCTE & VT), Bhubaneswar is in the process of managing the Diploma & ITI Colleges in the state, Registering the students, Conducting their Examination, Evaluation , Publishing the result and issue Certificates to the Students. There are 90 Diploma Institutes/Colleges in Odisha,There are 450 ITI Institute/Colleges trying to bridge the gap to fulfill the diversified requirement of skilled labour for SMEs in Odisha. 2011 for 5th sem Winter Results. SCTEVT 5th sem Results, sctevt, sctevt orissa, scte & vt, 5th semester result 2011,, sctevt iti semester result 2011 1st Sem , 2nd Sem , 3rd Sem , 4th Sem , 5th Sem , 6th Sem · 5th Winter Results.  