Really Funny Jokes

>> Sunday, November 8, 2009

Really Funny Jokes

Short funny jokes-Drunkard in trial

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 12:04 AM PST

A drunkard was brought to court. Just before the trial there was a commotion in the gallery.
The judge pounded the gravel on his table and shouted, "Order, order."
The drunkard immediately responded, "Thank you, your honor, I'll have A scotch and soda."

Office funny jokes-The manager

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 12:03 AM PST

The manager of a large corporation suffers a heart attack and the doctor tells him to go to a farm to relax. The guy goes to a farm, and after a couple of days he is very bored, so he asks the farmer to give him some job to do.
The farmer tells him to clean up all the cow manure. The farmer thought that for somebody coming from the city, working his whole life sitting in a plush office, it will take him over a week to finish the job, but to his surprise the manager finishes the job in less than a day.
The next day the farmer gives to the manager a more difficult job: to cut the heads of 500 chickens. The farmer is sure that the manager will not be able to do the job, but at the end of the day the job was done.
The next morning, as most of the jobs in the farm were done, the farmer asked the manager to divide a bag of potatoes in two boxes: one box with small potatoes, and one box with big potatoes. At the end of the day the farmer saw that the manager was sitting in front of the potatoes bag, but the two boxes are still empty.
The farmer asks the manager: "How is that you made such difficult jobs during the first 2 days, and you cannot do this simple job?"
The manager answered: "Listen, all my life I've been cutting heads and dealing with crap, but now you ask me to take decisions!"


Current News

Current News

Delhi Police Results 2009 Delhi Police Recruitment 2009

Posted: 07 Nov 2009 08:16 AM PST

The candidates with given link Roll Nos. have qualified for calling for medical examination and police verification on the basis of written examination held on 19.08.09 and interview conducted on 01.10.09 to 23.10.09 for the post of Male Constable (Executive)-2009 in Delhi Police.
The links are given below.
Result of Male Constable 2009 for Medical and Police Verification
The above link also has Note please do read the same. It will be same as followed
Calling for medical examination and police verification should not be treated as the final selection for the post of Male Constable (Executive)-2009 in Delhi Police. The candidates will have no claim for selection merely on the grounds of being called for medical examination and police verification.
Final list of category-wise selected candidates will be announced after clear medical examination report and police verification report strictly according to merit and also subject to the correctness of the documents produced by the candidates.
Additional candidates strictly according to merit have been called so that in case some candidates higher up in the merit list (category-wise) do not make it through medical examination or police verification or are unable to join the training due to personal reasons or other exigencies, such candidates shall be called to fill up the vacancies strictly according to merit list.
This will be relevant for this recruitment only and such candidates shall not be considered against any future / other vacancies.
Total number of candidates selected finally shall not exceed the number of vacancies advertised in any circumstances.
INSTRUCTION: The candidates are requested to report to DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp, Delhi on 9th November, 2009 onwards for completion of codal formalities.
Result of Trade test held from 05-10-2009 to 19-10-2009 for the post of CONSTABLE (DRIVER) in Delhi Police-2009.
Result of Written Examination held on 19-08-2009 for the post of Constable (Executive)-Male in Delhi Police 2009.
If you still have issues check with contacts.
Email To:
Online Help - Delhi Police Recruitment
Click on the "Recruitment" on the; Select the link " RECRUITMENT OF CONSTABLE (EXECUTIVE-MALE) – 2009".
Recruitment of Constables (Male & Female) in Delhi Police is done by a Recruitment Board appointed by Commissioner of Police. Candidates from all parts of country are eligible for recruitment. The vacancies are notified in the concerned Employment Exchange of Delhi and Central Employment Exchange on all India Basis.

Recruitment Details:
For Employment opportunities in Delhi Police Please visit:
Recruitment to the post of Constable (Exe.) Male & Female in Delhi Police (Phase II) - 2009

Tags:delhi police result 2009, delhi police interview result, delhi police constable result 2009, delhi police recruitment, delhi police,delhi police result 2009, delhi police recruitment, delhi police constable result, delhi police result, delhi police constable result 2009


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