Really Funny Jokes

>> Thursday, January 5, 2012

Really Funny Jokes

Short funny jokes-Timeline

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:01 AM PST

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg apparently went hunting, killed a bison, nicknamed it "Billy," then mounted its head on a wall. Yeah, then Zuckerberg was like, "Anyone else want to complain about the new Facebook Timeline?"
-Jimmy Fallon

Funny jokes-Work out regimen

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:01 AM PST

Now since I've started my work out regimen, I've lost 190 pounds.

I got divorced.

Really funny jokes-Heart transplant

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:01 AM PST

The doctor comes to see his heart transplant patient. "This is good news. It is very unusual, but we have two donors to choose from for your new heart."

The patient is pleased. He asks, "What were their jobs?"

"One was a teacher and the other was an accountant." "I'll take the accountant's heart," says the patient. "I want one that hasn't been used."


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