Really Funny Jokes

>> Saturday, March 17, 2012

Really Funny Jokes

Hilarious jokes-Marriage counselor

Posted: 17 Mar 2012 12:02 AM PDT

A couple was having marital difficulties and consulted a marriage counselor. After meeting with them, the counselor told them that their problems could all be traced to a lack of communication. "You two need to talk," he said. "So, I recommend that you go to a jazz club. Just wait until it's time for the bass player to solo. Then you'll be talking just like everyone else."

Clean jokes-Philosopher and Engineer

Posted: 17 Mar 2012 12:01 AM PDT

What's the difference between a philosopher and an engineer?

About 50,000 a year.

Funny jokes-Just wind!

Posted: 17 Mar 2012 12:00 AM PDT

My colleague Mary went to the doctor complaining of severe pain in the stomach.

The doctor told her it was 'just wind'.

"Just wind?" reacted Mary, "It was just wind that blew down the Tay Bridge!"


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