Really Funny Jokes

>> Monday, June 13, 2011

Really Funny Jokes

Funny jokes-Ways to spend the $250 million powerball jackpot

Posted: 13 Jun 2011 12:01 AM PDT

Some Ways To Spend The $250 Million Powerball Jackpot

-- A twinkie for everyone in the country.

-- Develop and market an action-figure doll of yourself.

-- Get yourself one a' them "Pentagon quality" toilet bowls.

-- Pay for a top-notch therapist to deal with the feeling that, compared to Bill Gates, you're still not rich.

-- At long last: a home-slurpee machine of your VERY OWN!

-- Four words: Prank call to Antarctica.

-- Goodbye aluminum siding: Hello golden siding.

-- Get it all in pennies and ride the horse in front of K-mart, FOREVER!

Redneck jokes-Fire in Library

Posted: 13 Jun 2011 12:01 AM PDT

Q: Did you hear about the fire in the rednecks library?

A: Both the books got burned, and one hadn't even been colored in yet.


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