Really Funny Jokes

>> Saturday, June 12, 2010

Really Funny Jokes

Good jokes-You might be a Caffeine Addict if

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 12:02 AM PDT

You might be a Caffeine addict if...

* Starbucks has decided to use you as their official mascot.

* You've ever carried your coffee cup into the shower with you in the morning.

* You regard the fact that your hands are shaking as a good sign.

* Your birthday is a national holiday in Colombia.

* You go to sleep just to wake up and smell the coffee.

* Your coffee pot is next to your bed and your alarm clock is in the kitchen.

* You've ever used the airplane's Call button just to get a coffee refill.

* You can't remember the last time you blinked.

* The dishes in your house are all coffee cups.

* Your dog's name is Folgers.

* You see nothing wrong with using water joe (caffeinated water) to make the coffee you use to take your no-doze.

* You could live in a desert like a hermit, eating bugs for food, as long as you had enough coffee beans with you.

Funny farm jokes-Giving away animals

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 12:01 AM PDT

A retiring farmer in preparation for selling his land, needed to rid his farm of animals. So he went to every house in his town.

To the houses where the man is the boss, he gave a horse. To the houses where the woman is the boss, a chicken was given.

He got toward the end of the street and saw a couple outside gardening. "Who's the boss around here?" he asked.

"I am." said the man.

"I have a black horse and a brown horse," the farmer said, "which one would you like?"

The man thought for a minute and said, "The black one."

"No, no, no, get the brown one." the man's wife said.

"Here's your chicken." said the farmer.


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