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>> Sunday, January 17, 2010

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Fosters Brunch Bikini Bash

Posted: 17 Jan 2010 03:29 AM PST

Well guys, with chilling winds just reminding you the last bite of winter, there's more to raise the mercury than just a room heater. Watch out these hot bikini bash at Fosters Brunch, just to heat out in this winter. Enjoy!!

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Jyoti Basu Dead!! 17th Jan 2010

Posted: 16 Jan 2010 10:51 PM PST

17th January 2010; 11.47 AM: Finally after multiple organ failure and confusing people with death news in twitter, a couple of days ago, Veteran Left Front leader and ex-Chief Minister of West Bengal Comrade Sri Jyoti Basu has passed away after a period of breif illness at the Salt Lake AMRI Hospital in Kolkata.

"He is very, very critical. Three organs — lung, kidney and the haemodynamic system — have failed and now his heart and liver function is also deteriorating and the senorium of the brain is very low," Dr AK Maity, Basu's personal physician who is also on the medical board of the private hospital where he is admitted, told reporters yesterday...

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