Email Bookmarking

>> Friday, October 9, 2009

Email Bookmarking

Upcoming Models of 2010

Posted: 09 Oct 2009 08:57 AM PDT

Yes dear, here are some pics of the upcoming models, the world is likely going to watch in and after 2010. Take the pleasure to have a first look at the gorgeous babes, as they appear exclusively at your favorite blog: Email Bookmarking Blog

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NASA Moon Bombing Video (NASA Hiding Facts?)

Posted: 09 Oct 2009 07:32 AM PDT

Is NASA hidding something, as the rumor says, it had always. There had been many films that says NASA goes on hidding failed missions and missions with dangerous results/impacts. Now what happened exactly for the Moon Crash case?

The News is:

NASA has successfully bulldozed two spacecraft into the moon's south pole in a search for hidden ice, but without the promised live photos. First a 2.2-ton empty rocket hull smacked the moon's south pole at 7:31 a.m. EDT Friday. Then four minutes later the camera-and-instrument laden space probe made its death plunge. The smaller probe had five cameras and four other scientific instruments and NASA had touted live photos on its web site. But those images didn't occur. NASA officials say they are sure the two probes crashed and looking to see what happened to the pictures. Pictures were live until seconds before impact. The intentional crashes had been expected to kick up miles of lunar dust. The space probe is called LCROSS, short for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite.

NASA's slamming a satellite into the Moon?! Hasn't anybody thought this through? The Moon's going to be forced from its orbit! Giant tides will wash around the Earth! Will the 2012 tellings gonna come true? also, are we all well equipped to face the circumstances resulting henceforth?

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