Really Funny Jokes

>> Saturday, October 15, 2011

Really Funny Jokes

Really funny jokes-Grounded

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 12:01 AM PDT

Brendan had spent a week visiting his family in Kentucky. His sister-in-law and seven-year-old nephew went with him when he returned to the airport. After verifying his seat number with the counter attendant, Brendan walked back to his relatives and stated that he'd have to wait an additional three hours in the airport.

"How come?," his nephew asked.

"My plane has been grounded," Brendan explained.

"Grounded?" the little boy said. "I didn't know planes had parents."

Kids jokes-Good deed for the day

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 12:01 AM PDT

A scoutmaster asked one of his troop what good deed he had done for the day.

"Well, Skip," said the scout, "Mum had only one dose of castor oil left, so I let my baby brother have it."


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