Really Funny Jokes

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

Really Funny Jokes

Really funny jokes-Smell like Olive Oil

Posted: 07 Feb 2011 12:02 AM PST

Trying to control my dry hair, I treated my scalp with olive oil before washing it.
Worried that the oil might leave an odor, I washed my hair several times.

That night when I went to bed, I leaned over to my husband and asked,
"Do I smell like olive oil?"

"No," he said, sniffing me. "Do I smell like Popeye?

Doctor jokes-Toilet seat

Posted: 07 Feb 2011 12:01 AM PST

The doctor tells a male patient that he has a case of venereal disease.

The man replies "That is impossible, I haven't been with anyone recently. I must have caught it off a toilet seat".

Doctor says, " in that case you must have been chewing it because you have got it in your gums!!


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