Really Funny Jokes

>> Friday, December 10, 2010

Really Funny Jokes

Really funny jokes-Headstone

Posted: 10 Dec 2010 12:02 AM PST

After his wife died, the uncle of one of my friends decided to plan ahead and order a grave-site marker for himself. A week or so later, he came home to find a message on his answering machine. It was from a young woman at the company where he'd placed his order.

"I don't know if it's good news or bad," she said, "but your headstone is ready."

Doctor jokes-Wierd dreams

Posted: 10 Dec 2010 12:01 AM PST

Sophie went to see a psychiatrist about her husband.

"Doctor, My husband has this problem. Almost every night now he's dreaming he's a refrigerator!"

"My dear, that is not really a problem! A lot of people dream that they are somebody or something unusual..."

Sophie leans forward as she softly whispers this confidence: "But you see doctor it is also a problem for me! Jake sleeps with his mouth open and the light keeps me awake!"


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