Really Funny Jokes

>> Monday, November 1, 2010

Really Funny Jokes

Doctor jokes-Epidural

Posted: 01 Nov 2010 12:02 AM PDT

My niece, pregnant with her second child, was certain she wanted an epidural for pain management during childbirth. Her doctor asked her at which stage of labor she wanted the epidural administered.

Her response: "Just meet me in the parking lot!"

Really good stuff-About Women.Part 2

Posted: 01 Nov 2010 12:01 AM PDT

Justify Full* Women hate bugs. Even the strong-willed ones need a man around when there's a spider or a wasp involved.

* Women can't keep secrets. They eat away at them from the inside. And they don't view it as being untrustworthy, providing they only tell two or three people.

* Women always go to public restrooms in groups. It gives them a chance to gossip.

* Women can't refuse to answer a ringing phone, no matter what she's doing. It might be the lottery calling.

* Women never understand why men love toys. Men understand that they wouldn't need toys if women had an 'on/off' switch.

* Women think all beer is the same.

* Women keep three different shampoos and two different conditioners in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rain forest.

* Women don't understand the appeal of sports.

* Women brush their hair before bed.

* Watch a woman eat an ice cream cone and you'll have a pretty good idea about how she'll be in bed.

* Women are paid less than men, except for one field: Modeling.

* Women are never wrong. Apologizing is the man's responsibility, 'It's there in the Bible'. Hmmm, who was it that gave Adam the apple?


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