Really Funny Jokes

>> Friday, August 20, 2010

Really Funny Jokes

Adult jokes - Much to say

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 03:22 AM PDT

Paul picked this woman up in a nightclub and took her home. While they were walking home he didn't say a thing.
"You're not the communicative type, are you?" she said as they were undressing.

"Nah," Paul replied and pulled out his old fella. "I do all my talking with this."

"Damn," said the girl as she leaned forward to look. "You don't have much to say, do you?"

Funny jokes-Chicken met James Bond

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 12:02 AM PDT

A chicken crossed the road and met James Bond,

'What's your name?' asked the chicken,

'Bond, James Bond. What's yours?'

'Ken, Chick Ken.'

Yo mama jokes-So huge

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 12:01 AM PDT

* Yo mama's nostrils are so huge she makes Patrick Ewing jealous.
* Yo mama lost at Hide N' Seek when I spotted her behind the Himalayas.
* Yo mama's so hunchbacked, she has to look up to tie her shoes.
* Yo mama fell down on the sidewalk and by the time she got back up she made $1.50.
*Yo mama's cookin' is so bad, even the roaches say "Naw man, I ate before I came over."

Adult jokes - Putting body parts to sleep

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 05:36 AM PDT

"Doc, I can't sleep anymore," the man complained. "I've tried everything, but I just toss and turn.""You have to learn to relax," the doctor said. "Try putting each part of your body to sleep separately." That night the guy crawled into bed, got comfortable and started to talk to his body."Toes, go to sleep," he whispered."Feet, go to sleep. Legs, go to sleep. Hips, go to sleep. Stomach, go to sleep" Just then, his wife walked in wearing a transparent teddy. Her husband opened one eye, then lifted his head from the pillow. "OK," he shouted, "up, up...everybody up!"


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