Really Funny Jokes

>> Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Really Funny Jokes

Good jokes-Scottish on a free trip

Posted: 25 May 2010 12:01 AM PDT

McTavish, on a free trip to the pokies, had spent the entire two dollars he had brought along without winning a cent.

Thoroughly disgusted, he stalked off to visit the gents and discovered that he needed 20 cents to use one of the cubicles.

A man standing nearby gave him the necessary coin, but just as McTavish was about to use it he spotted someone leaving, so he grabbed the door before it slammed shut and got in for free.

And so, with a spare 20 cents to spend, he returned to the machines and had a final fling.

And wouldn't you know it? He scored the $10,000 jackpot!

McTavish was ecstatic. "If it hadnae been for yon laddie I'd no ha' won," he exclaimed, "The mon deserves to be rewarded - I'll give him his twenty cents back.

Teacher jokes-Where is your homework?

Posted: 25 May 2010 12:01 AM PDT

Teacher: Where is your homework?

Pupil: I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren't the best teacher in the school.


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