Really Funny Jokes

>> Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Really Funny Jokes

Really funny jokes-Infidelity

Posted: 11 May 2010 01:03 AM PDT

A Irishman suspected his wife of infidelity and began to follow her movements. Sure enough, his suspicions were justified. Coming home from work early, he burst into the bedroom, catching his wife and her lover in the act; and, crazed with grief, he put the pistol to his own head.

"Don't laugh!" he shouted when his wife burst out in giggles, "You're next!"

Abo jokes-Rolling down

Posted: 11 May 2010 01:01 AM PDT

Q: What do you call 50 Abos rolling down a hill?
A: An Abolanche.

Clean jokes-We've got all that

Posted: 11 May 2010 12:01 AM PDT

A Texan died and went to heaven where St. Peter met him at the Pearly Gates.

"Show me what you got, Pete," said Tex.

St. Peter swung open the gates and revealed a beautiful landscape of mountains, rivers, streams, trees, flowers and all the trimmings.

"We've got that in Texas. We call it King Ranch," said Tex.

St. Pete flashed up a scene of men, women and children frolicking on the countryside, swinging, swimming, riding horses, bicycling, etc.

"We've got that, too. We call it Six Flags."

Whereupon St. Peter threw open a trapdoor of the fires of Hell and out shot a huge ball of fire followed by a solid stream of flame sweeping over the entire area. The blinding light and heat were enormous.

"We don't have that," said Tex, "but we've got a guy in Houston who can put it out."


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