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>> Sunday, May 30, 2010

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Diana Irina Boanca wins Miss Bikini International World

Posted: 30 May 2010 05:41 AM PDT

Watch the winner Miss Romania, Diana Irina Boanca as she poses with runners up and others during the 35th Miss Bikini International World final in Sanya, South China’s Hainan province on May 29, 2010. Also do check out some snaps of the event from Beijing, taken on 15th April 2010!! Enjoy the pics.

"I am so excited that I do not know what to say. All the contestants are very strong and I must say I am so lucky to win," Boanca said after being crowned. The four runners-up who are equal in rank are Australia (First Spring Lady), Venezuela (First Summer Lady), China (First Autumn Lady), and Latvia (First Winter Lady).

Overall winner – Romania (Diana Irina Boanca)

1st Spring lady – Australia 1st Summer Lady – Venezuela 1st Autumn Lady – China 1st Winter Lady – Latvia

2nd Spring Lady – Greece 2nd Summer lady – Kenya 2nd Autumn Lady – Bulgaria 2nd Winter lady – Russia

3rd Spring Lady – Thailand 3rd Summer Lady – Malaysia 3rd Autumn Lady – Spain 3rd Winter lady – Kazakhstan

below are the remain in top 26 :-

Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Canada, England, Ethiopia, Moldova, Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Uruguay

The Subtitles are :-

Miss Charity – China

Miss Health – Netherlands, 1st runner – Japan, 2nd runner – Latvia

Miss Talent – India, 1st runner – Czech rep, 2nd runner – Turkmenistan

Best Figure – Thailand, 1st runner – Kenya, 2nd runner – Tartarstan

Miss Charm – Philippines, 1st runner – Ukraine, 2nd runner – Malaysia

Miss Photogenic – Bosnia, 1st runner – Albania, 2nd runner – France

Miss Disco – Bulgaria, 1st runner – Belarus, 2nd runner – Estonia

Best National Costume – Ecuador, 1st runner – Brazil, 2nd runner – Ethiopia

Miss friendship – Spain

Miss Internet Popularity – Venezuela

News Source: China News.

Kendra Wilkinson Leaked Tape at 18yr-Old

Posted: 29 May 2010 10:54 PM PDT

Former Playboy Playmate Kendra Wilkinson is in the news, this time for a s3x tape that is as dirty and wet as you might expect. The enthusiasm for the Kendra exposed sex tape recalls similar enthusiasm for the Kim Kardashian s3x tape. Despite her legal battle, Kendra’s s3x tape is out, and pre-orders are the highest in the history of porn company Vivid Entertainment. If reports are to be believe, Kendra Wilkinson will be paid a whopping $680, 000 for the release of the s3x tape. Furthermore, it is likely that she will get almost half of the profits in addition following an agreement in a legal settlement between Wilkinson and Vivid Entertainment.

Where is the world going? Every celebrity seems to now sell a s3x tape…

2-Year-Old Kid Smokes 40 Cigs a Day

Posted: 29 May 2010 09:53 PM PDT

Seeing him rest on the steering-wheel of his toy truck, smoking a cigarette, you might think he's a truck driver stuck in the body of a toddler, but Ardi Rizal is really just a two-year old boy who loves to smoke. The 56 pound toddler, from Indonesia's South Sumatra province, smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day and sits on his toy truck all day long. There's hardly ever a moment in the day when Ardi isn't puffing away on a cigarette, and that's the main reason why he can hardly move by himself anymore, let alone run along and play with other children.

His mother has desperately forced the toddler to quit, but he always got so angry that he started screaming and banging his head against the walls, saying quitting makes him dizzy and sick. He also asks for a specific brand of cigarettes, that costs his family $5.50 a day. While his mother is set on somehow getting Ardi to quit, his father says: 'He looks pretty healthy to me, I don't see the problem.' Now this is what I call a "great" parent. Although authorities have even offered the Ardi Rizal's parents a brand new car, if they convince him to stop smoking, the parents don't dare ask him anymore.


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