Really Funny Jokes

>> Monday, January 4, 2010

Really Funny Jokes

Short funny jokes-Elephant's legs

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 12:05 AM PST

Q) If an elephant's front legs were doing 60 miles per hour...what would the back legs be doing?

A) Hauling ass !!!!!

Really funny jokes-New kind of car

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 12:04 AM PST

Two guys sat down for lunch in the office cafeteria. "Hey, whatever happened to Pete?" one asked.
"He got this hare-brained notion he was going to build a new kind of car," his coworker replied.
"How was he going to do it?"
"He took an engine from a Pontiac, tires from a Chevy, seats from a Lincoln, hubcaps from a Caddy and well, you get the idea."
"So what did he end up with?"
"1 1/2 years in jail and 100 hours of community work."

Doctor jokes-Psychiatrists attending convention

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 12:03 AM PST

A group of psychiatrists were attending a convention. Four of them decided to leave, and walked out together.

One said to the other three, "People are always coming to us with their guilt and fears, but we have no one that we can go to when we have problems." The others agreed.

Then one said, "Since we are all professionals, why don't we take some time right now to hear each other out?" The other three agreed.

The first then confessed, "I have an uncontrollable desire to kill my patients."

The second psychiatrist said, "I love expensive things and so I find ways to cheat my patients out of their money whenever I can so I can buy the things I want."

The third followed with, "I'm involved with selling drugs and often get my patients to sell them for me."

The fourth psychiatrist then confessed, "I know I'm not supposed to, but no matter how hard I try, I can't keep a secret....


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