Really Funny Jokes

>> Friday, November 13, 2009

Really Funny Jokes

Funny jokes-Block the exits

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 12:05 AM PST

During a bank robbery, the police chief told the sergeant to cover all the exits so that the robbers couldn't get away.
Later, the sergeant reports to the chief, "Sorry, sir, but they got away."
The chief, very angry, says, "I told you to cover all the exits!"
"I did," replied the sergeant, "but they got away through the entrance."

Adult jokes-Coronary artery bypass surgery

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 12:04 AM PST

Morris had just had coronary artery bypass surgery a month ago and now is at the doctor's office for his final follow up visit. Of course Morris wants to know when he can start having sex again.
The doctor explains to Morris that he would be able to resume his sex life as soon as he could climb two flights of stairs without becoming winded.
Morris listens attentively and then says, "What if I look for the women who live on the ground floor?"

Short funny jokes-Doubt

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 12:03 AM PST

If you are ever in doubt as to whether or not to kiss a pretty girl,
Always give her the benefit of the doubt.


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