Really Funny Jokes

>> Thursday, October 29, 2009

Really Funny Jokes

Funny jokes-Hot Day

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 12:04 AM PDT

It was a really hot day at the office due to a malfunction with the air conditioning system. There were about twenty people in close quarters and everyone was sweating, even with a fan on.
All of a sudden, people started to wrinkle their noses at an odor passing through the air. It was the most hideous smell anyone had ever smelled.
One man, popping his head out of his cubicle said, "Oh, man! Someone's deodorant isn't working."
A man in the corner replied, "It can't be me. I'm not wearing any."

Birthday party jokes-Candles in the toilet

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 12:03 AM PDT

Why did the boy put candles on the toilet?
He wanted to have a birthday potty!

Really funny jokes-Dumb ex

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 12:03 AM PDT

Mary: My #1 ex was probably the dumbest of all.
Jill: Why do you say that?
Mary: He came into the bedroom one night holding a jalapeƱo pepper in his hand. I said, "Why in hell did you bring that pepper to the bedroom?"
Jill: Well, what did he say?
Mary: He said, "You told me that we needed to spice up our love life!"


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