Really Funny Jokes

>> Thursday, October 22, 2009

Really Funny Jokes

Funny jokes-Correctional facility

Posted: 22 Oct 2009 12:04 AM PDT

Jimmy was sent to prison for his crimes, but upon arrival at the correctional facility, he told the warden he wasn't at all worried about his future. He knew he wouldn't have to serve the full term of his penalty.
"Why's that, Jimmy?" the warden asked "Sure of your appeal, are you?"
"No, sir." Jimmy replied.
"Already making plans to escape, then?"
"Not a one, Warden."
"Then why are you so sure you'll be out of here before your time is up?"
"Well, Warden," says Jimmy, "it's like this. In the entire time I've been married; my wife has yet to let me finish a sentence!"

Adult jokes-Sex therapist

Posted: 22 Oct 2009 12:03 AM PDT

Having lunch one day, a sex therapist said to her friend, "According to a survey we just completed, ninety percent of all people have sex in the shower. The other ten percent of them sing."
"Really?" asked the friend.
The therapist shook her head and proceeded to ask, "And do you know what song they sing?"
The friend nodded her head and replied, "No."
The therapist replied, "I didn't think so."


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