Influenzinum 200 Homeopathic Medicine For Swine Flu
>> Tuesday, August 11, 2009
IIT Roorkee MMS Youtube MMS Clip Online Posted: 11 Aug 2009 03:41 AM PDT After Most Record People searching in Google for Noida MMS Site YouTube Com, Noida MMS YouTube for Delhi noida mms clip, noida mba mms, noida mms scandal, mms noida, delhi mms Now there is news for iit roorkee mms clip, The Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, MMS, of two of its staff members. The five-minute clip of a 35-plus woman and a man (who are reported to hold clerical posts at the institute) is alleged to have been shot by the man on his mobile phone. reports yahoo. MMS news are becoming famous, but why it is targeting and getting famous from the holy places like education institutes, are education institutes atmospher is promoting such acts or our minds have became so bad that we are not caring for such offsence, one more shame, what face will show to our new generation. |
Influenzinum 200 Homeopathic Medicine For Swine Flu Posted: 11 Aug 2009 03:12 AM PDT With N95 masks in short supply, The oldest mode of medicine -- Ayurveda has a cure for the much talked about swine flu. Still, There are few takers of the ayurveda and the homeopathy medicines even if it claims to provide hundred per cent treatment. Dr Bhagwan Singh, principal and superintendent of State Ayurvedic College, Lucknow, says, "The disease (swine flu) and its treatment is already mentioned in our old books of medicines by sages. On the basis of the symptoms of swine flu, it has been given the name `vatashlesmic' fever in the ayurvedic medicine books." What is ayurvedic medicine for swine flu? Ayurvedic medicines like Sanjawini Vati and Tribhuvan Kriti Ras can be given for swine flu. On the basis of symptoms like cough, cold, sore throat and fever, one cannot be considered as a patient of swine flu. So to be on the safer side, one could take a medicine named as Gurahi for the sake of prevention. Also have tea or hot water adding black tulsi leaves. What is homeopathic medicine for swine flu? Swine flu is an influenza like illness, where primary symptoms are very much similar to those of influenza. Thus one can take Influnzenium 200 as a preventive medicine. Three doses each after 10 minutes within 24 hours can develop an immunity against H1N1 virus, and combination of 6-7 homeopathic medicines like Aconite Nap 30, Belladona 30, Bryonia Alb, Mercuris Vibre, Gelsinium 30 and Eupaporium Purf. These medicines should be taken after consulting a homeopathic doctor as they are advised only after examining the patients and his/her symptoms. Reports `Alternative medicines can cure swine flu' influenzinum, influenzum 200, influenzinum 200c, homeopathic medicine for swine flu, homeopathy for swine flu ; Related prevent getting infected from H1N1 virus. List of hospitals for swine flu treatment in India. |
NIV Pune Updates on Swine Flu Symptoms India Posted: 11 Aug 2009 01:18 AM PDT National Institute of Virology - NIV pune has good resource and links collection on Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 guidance documents, latest additions, Technical guidance for professionals is being regularly released. Also It has links to documents like; Collection and transport of throat and nasal swabs specimens for isolation of influenza virus Clinical data sheet; and Procurement of material for sample collection. Visit for latest update on swine flu symptoms india, and swine flu, swine flu vaccine, swine flu mask, symptoms of swine flu, Two laboratories, National Institute of Virology, Pune and National Institute of Communicable diseases, New Delhi have been identified for diagnostic testing of Swine flue. Samples sent through public health system only be tested. Swine Influenza aka swine flu; The NIV PUNE. The Virus Research Center ( VRC ), Pune came into existence in 1952 under the joint auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation, The NIV is identified today as the WHO Collaborating Center for arboviruses reference and hemorrhagic fever reference and research. NIV is also the National Monitoring Center for Influenza, Japanese encephalitis, Rota , Measles and Hepatitis. Important Telephone Nos 91-20-26124386 Dr A C Mishra, Director National Institute of Virology 91-20-26006247 |
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